Global Mission

Working with the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Outreach Foundation, Mission Eurasia (formerly Russian Ministries) and other Christian mission organizations, the Global Missions Committee assists the members of First Presbyterian Church in fulfilling our obligation to obey the Great Commission.

Russian Sister Church

In 1991, First Presbyterian Church became the first congregation in the Presbyterian Church USA to establish a Sister Church relationship with a congregation in the former Soviet Union, the Saltykovka Evangelical Christian Baptist Church. With help from First Presbyterian Church, Outreach Foundation of PCUSA, and churches from other denominations, a very functional Christian Education building was constructed. Opened in 1992, this building is being utilized daily as a center for Christian evangelism, education and mission. First Presbyterian Church continues to provide financial support for physical and program needs as well as many outreach programs (youth camps, prison ministry, orphaned children, and military ministry). More information on the sister church program on Outreach Foundation's web site can be found at

Missionary Support

First Presbyterian Church also joins in covenant support for families in the mission field who are working through the Presbyterian Church (USA). Currently, we support financially and correspond with Donald Marsden serving in Siberia and Pamela serving in Asia. 

Projects Funded

Through pledges and gifts, many projects on the mission field are supported throughout the year as funds become available. Examples are:

  • Support Presbyterian Disaster Relief as needs arise throughout the world.
  • Support mission work in Haiti and the Dominican Republic through our Bethany Church/Laurens

  • Cluster connection.
  • Support the work of the Outreach Foundation and utilize its network for the distribution of funds to the mission field.

  • Provide support to Saltykovka Church for both physical needs and program needs.
  • Continue to be open to provide support to various requests that come to us from the mission field.

  • We continue to thank God or providing us the means to bring the Gospel and needed assistance to people all over the world.
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