Youth ministry at FPC is alive and well! There are many opportunities for youth to get involved, have fun, make a difference, and to grow in their relationships with Jesus Christ!
The Youth meet to explore their faith through a balance of study, fellowship, service and fun. They focus on what it means to be a Christian in today’s ever-changing world and how they can carry out their faith in their everyday lives. They explore the Bible, participate in service opportunities, and forge bonds of Christian fellowship.
Youth Fellowship is open to all youth and split into two groups:
(Christian Life Center, across from the main church building.)
Once a year, the Senior High Youth plan, prepare, and lead Sunday worship in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. It’s a service that our congregation is proud of and is a real rare “once-a-year” privilege to attend.
During the summer, the Middle School Youth dedicate three days to completing service projects in the local community. Service projects include working at United Ministries and the Food Bank, serving in the soup kitchen, visiting with residents at the Memorial Home, helping shut-ins in a variety or ways, paint and helping with house rehab, etc. It’s a great time for the students to engage in local mission work and explore how they can make a difference in their world and through their faith here at home.
Each summer the Senior High Youth participate in a mission trip to spread the word of God around the world. Students engage in various fundraising activities throughout the year to help finance the trips, realizing how much they can accomplish by working, playing, and praying together and what a difference it can make. Past trips include mission work in Florida, New Mexico, St. Louis, Alaska, Kentucky, Chicago, Oklahoma, Maryland, New Orleans, New York City, Edisto Island, S.C., West Virginia, Dominican Republic, and Washington, DC.
Rising 9th grade youth - graduated seniors from all over the country come together for a time of study, fellowship, worship, and recreation. They grow in their faith and deepen their sense of Christian identity.