Special Worship Events

Ash Wednesday

This service takes place in the Fellowship Hall or the sanctuary.  Following a short homily, all are welcome to receive ashes as we are reminded: 

”. . . you are dust, and to dust you shall return."(Gen. 3:19)

Maundy Thursday

The Thursday before Easter Sunday, we gather together in the sanctuary for a time of meditation, reflection and remembrance of the Lord's Supper.

Hanging of the Greens

The first Sunday of Advent is a special time of celebration. Led by the youth of the church, we spend the worship hour decorating the sanctuary with the symbols of Christmas.


Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is celebrated with a worship service that includes singing traditional Christmas music, a meditation, and communion. The service is followed with a long-established FPC tradition, the

Live Nativity performance by the youth of the church.

Live Nativity

For the past 75+ years, FPC Clinton has put on a live nativity production with volunteers from our church family.  This is a collaborative effort involving the youth, children and parents in performing and narrating the story of Jesus' birth.  The event is held each Advent during the week of Christmas, with the final performance following our Christmas Eve candlelight communion service. All are welcome to be a part of this wondrous story!

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